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What's New in Classroom Technologies


Zoom logo
Service Change
UNT will be implementing a retention protocol for Zoom cloud recordings in the UNT Zoom account for UNT and UNT System Administration users. Recordings you’ve saved to the Zoom cloud will be kept for 365 days and then sent to the trash folder. They’ll remain there for 30 days before being permanently deleted. Details will be provided soon.
Two projectors hanging from ceiling
New Feature
Certain dual-projection equipped rooms have the ability to clone content to both projectors and allows the other instructor desktop monitor to review PowerPoint notes, manage a Zoom meeting, or other tasks which students need not see.
projector mounted to ceiling
Classroom Equipment Upgrades
A privacy monitor has now been installed all* of the Classroom Technologies supported general purpose classrooms that have a single-projector configuration.
PTZ camera mounted on a pole suspended from the ceiling
Classroom Equipment Upgrades
They're finally here - better camera views in all of the Classroom Technologies supported general purpose classrooms.
Check back here for new tips, guides, and updates regarding our supported services.

By The Numbers

We strive to make classroom instructional technology simple and easy to use. Our top-of-the-line hardware is standardized across campus so that no matter where you are, you can enjoy a high-quality and consistent experience.

Supported Learning Spaces

Recent Technology Improvements

Displays Installed



Instructor station with two monitors and a document camera

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